Bigganer Nirab Sadhak Stephen Hawking


  • Type: Book
  • Genre: Biography and Auto Biography
  • Author: Prithviraj Sen
  • Book Edition: Paperback
  • Language: Bengali

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Biography of Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942 – March 14, 2018) was a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. He was born in Oxford, England, and grew up in St Albans. Hawking attended University College, Oxford, where he studied physics, and then went on to do graduate work at Trinity College, Cambridge.

At the age of 21, Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a motor neuron disease that left him wheelchair-bound and eventually unable to speak without the aid of a computerized voice synthesizer. Despite his physical limitations, Hawking continued to make groundbreaking contributions to the fields of cosmology and theoretical physics.

Hawking’s research focused on the origins and structure of the universe, and he made significant contributions to the understanding of black holes, quantum mechanics, and the Big Bang. He is best known for his book “A Brief History of Time,” which became a bestseller and made him a household name.

Throughout his career, Hawking received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to science, including the Copley Medal from the Royal Society, the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama, and a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II.

Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76. He will be remembered as one of the greatest minds of our time, whose work continues to inspire and inform scientists around the world.