Sarbamangala Moi Rani Rashmoni


  • Type: Book
  • Genre: Biography and Auto Biography
  • Author: Susanta Kumar Sahityaratna
  • Book Edition: Paperback
  • Language: Bengali

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Biography of Rani Rashmoni

Rani Rashmoni, also known as Uma Devi, was a prominent 19th-century philanthropist and social reformer in Kolkata, India. She was born in 1793 in a wealthy family in present-day Uttar Pradesh, and was married to Raj Chandra Das, a member of the zamindar family in Janbazar, Kolkata.

After her husband’s death, Rani Rashmoni took over his business and expanded it by trading in opium, indigo, and salt. She also established several other businesses and became one of the wealthiest persons in Kolkata.

Despite her wealth and status, Rani Rashmoni was deeply committed to social and religious causes. She was a devotee of the Hindu goddess Kali and built a temple dedicated to her in Kolkata, which came to be known as the Dakshineswar Kali Temple. She also built a hostel for widows and donated land for the construction of schools and hospitals.

Rani Rashmoni was a strong advocate for women’s rights and worked to improve the condition of widows and abandoned women. She also supported the education of girls and encouraged them to pursue careers in fields such as medicine and teaching.

In addition to her philanthropic work, Rani Rashmoni was also involved in the Indian independence movement and supported the cause of Indian freedom from British rule.

Rani Rashmoni died in 1861, but her legacy lives on through her philanthropic work and her contributions to the cultural and social life of Kolkata. The Dakshineswar Kali Temple remains a major pilgrimage site and a symbol of Rani Rashmoni’s devotion to Kali and her commitment to social welfare.